
New options for Partial Hand and Finger Amputees
February 26th 2025
Novel Mechanical Finger Prostheses

New procedure may reduce pain for amputees
July 25th 2024
CAUTION: Contains surgical images that may not be suitable for all viewers!

International P&O Day!
November 5th 2023
For more info, click this link:

Mobility Connections
June 6th 2023
Mobility Connections
Research demonstrates the important role mobility plays in physical and mental health postamputation

Ossur Direct Socket
June 5th 2023
Advancements in the field of prosthetics have transformed the lives of individuals with limb loss, enabling them to regain mobility and independence. Ossur, a leading global company in the prosthetics industry, has introduced an innovative solution called Ossur Direct Socket prosthetics. This groundbreaking technology has revolutionized the comfort and performance…

A look inside Ossur’s factory building bionics
April 17th 2023

Ossur - Unity
March 1st 2016
Ossur America offers a sleeveless vaccum suspension for above-knee and below-knee amputees, called Unity. These suspensions are compatible with their Iceross Seal-in Liners. Check out their website for more information!

Second Graders Visit Great Lakes
February 3rd 2016
Great Lakes had a visit from students of Harvest Elementary, to learn more about Prosthetics and Orthotics. Mrs. McCormick's second grade class took a tour of the office, examined different prosthetic leg and arm components, took impressions of their hands for plaster molds, and listened to an amputee guest speaker! Check out…

February 1st 2016
Ossur Americas continuously pushes the boundaries for the most effective, non-invasive mobility solutions on the market today. Great Lakes Prosthetics and Orthotics works closely with Ossur to provide quality knee braces and prosthetic pieces for our patients.

Cascade DAFO
January 1st 2016
Great Lakes Prosthetics and Orthotics works closely with Cascade DAFO to provide many of our pediactric ankle foot devices. For over 30 years, Cascade has shown their exceptional quality in their products and customer service.